The rules of Obamian Politics

Obamian Politics have been practiced by socialist and socialist-leaning politicians since the beginning of government.  They are particularly prevalent where these individuals govern  under a democracy.  I’ve decided to begin enumerating the rules by which Obamian Politicians operate.  Why call them ‘Obamian?’  Because these rules have never been practiced more unapologetically than by BHO.

The first rule of Obamian Politics: The image is more important than the action. Don’t just do something important.  Make sure the cameras are there and that the action is personified in you.

The second rule of Obamian Politics: Say everything, say nothing.

The third rule of Obamian Politics: Sacrifice the wealthy. Convince the poor-to-middle class that the upper class is barbaric and doesn’t deserve what they’ve got.  Liberal and Conservative are relative terms over time. The liberals of the last generation are the conservatives of today. But one thing has stayed consistent: a disconcerted lower to middle class is in a liberal’s best interests. They cannot win elections or maintain popularity without it.

The fourth rule of Obamian Politics: Real power is becoming more than just a politician. Real power is becoming a savior of the people.  Maintaining the status quo: dependence on government.  Propagating the misguided ideal that when something goes wrong, the lower class is helpless and must be saved.

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